My top tips on juggling business, clients and family as a Virtual Assistant.

Having been an assistant for 25 years, I understand the demands of busy execs, business owners and founders. It can feel like you’re juggling more balls than you can handle. Now I’m a mother, I understand even more so the art of juggling and I’m confident in saying I am not alone. Sometimes all it takes is a simple step back to re-evaluate and implement new measures to keep those balls in the air. It’s not about how many balls you juggle, it’s how you juggle them. Here are my top tips!


    Knowing the difference between what is urgent and what is important gives you more control on managing your workload.

    URGENT = Immediate action

    IMPORTANT = Future deadline

    There is however a fine line. You don’t want urgent tasks to always overshadow the important ones so, make time for both.

    After being a stay at home mum for 5 years, personal and business goals were put on hold as entertaining two young children was a daily challenge. Now I’ve returned to work I’ve reinstated my own wants an needs (personally and professionally) whilst also supporting businesses ensuring they reach their goals too so, prioritising ensures I have control and feel a sense of achievement.


    Since hitting my forties I’ve learnt to say no. Motherhood has given me a sense of empowerment (and I’m now used to saying it 100 times a day to my children). If opportunities or requests don’t align with my goals, it’s a no. It‘s been a great tool for personal growth, it has reduced my stress levels. Try not to feel a sense of guilt when saying no, we all have busy lives and to say it is a way of being kind to ourselves.


    Time is our most valuable resource, and I use mine wisely. I use calendars, productivity platforms and apps to allocate my time efficiently. As an assistant this was always crucial but now I have to factor in two children (and a husband and dog). Everything takes twice if not thee times as long so, routine is key. Routine helps me manage my time effectively allowing me time to be mum as well as build Virtual Assistant Services into a trusted brand and respected service whilst also supporting client needs.


    For me it’s going to the gym, jumping rope or walking the dog. It helps sustain my energy levels, it’s usually where those innovative ideas come with most ease as my eyes are no longer strained and muscle tension subsides. A rested mind is a productive mind so ensure you take breaks to avoid burnout.


    Quality of work increases when you stick to one task at a time and as a VA it is imperative I stick to this working ethos. Jumping from one project to another can lead to stress so instead, I ensure I complete one task before moving to the next. Simple!


    Freelancers and Virtual Assistants are a great investment if you’re not ready to employ someone full time. My aim is to build a team of experienced Virtual Assistants, a support system to not only our clients but to each other where w still provide a reliable service but when life throws us more balls to juggle be it a a family emergency, childcare issues or special occasion, we can still be present without business operations being compromised.


How to share files securely with your Virtual Assistant, using Google Drive.